© 1998 Bernard SUZANNE | Last updated December 25, 2004 |
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This page is part of the "tools" section of a site, Plato and his dialogues, dedicated to developing a new interpretation of Plato's dialogues. The "tools" section provides historical and geographical context (chronology, maps, entries on characters and locations) for Socrates, Plato and their time. By clicking on the minimap at the beginning of the entry, you can go to a full size map in which the city or location appears. For more information on the structure of entries and links available from them, read the notice at the beginning of the index of persons and locations.
City of Boeotia, in central Greece, north-west of
Athens (area 2).
Thebes was the largest and richest city of Boeotia, owing to the fertility of
its territory. In mythological traditions, it was founded by Cadmus,
a Phoenician, son of Agenor, king of Sidon
(or Tyre, in Phoenicia), himself
the son of Poseidon and a descendant of Zeus and Io
through his mother Libya. Cadmus had a sister named
Europa who was abducted by Zeus under the guise of a bull (Zeus brought
her to Crete and, from her, had three sons : Minos,
Sarpedon and Rhadamanthus). Agenor then ordered Cadmus and his brothers Thasus
, Phoenix and Cilix
to go search for their sister and not come back till they had found her. Each
one took a different road and, unable to find her, they kept going, founding
city after city along their way. These wanderings led Cadmus in Crete,
Thera, Samothrace, Rhodes
and in many other place.
Cadmus was eventually ordered by the oracle of Delphi
to stop searching his sister and found a city where, upon following a cow, the
animal would stop of exhaustion. The cow he thus followed stopped at the location
of what became Thebes. In order to cleanse the cow before offering it in sacrifice
to Athena, Cadmus sent some of his companions draw water from a neighboring
spring. But there, they were killed by a dragon. Upon seeing that, Cadmus fought
and killed the dragon and Athena, appearing to him, suggested that he sow the
teeth of the dead animal. As soon as he had done this, armed warriors sprang
from the earth. Feeling threatened by these men, Cadmus threw stones in the
middle of them. Not knowing where the stones came from, the "sowed men"
(the Spartoi, as they became called) killed each other, except for five
of them, one of whom, Echion, later married Agave, a daughter of Cadmus. To
expiate the murder of the dragon, Cadmus had to serve Ares for eight year, and
after that, with the help of Athena, he became king of Thebes and Zeus gave
him Harmonia, the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, for wife. All the gods
attended the wedding of Cadmus and Harmonia, where the Muses
sang, and they brought gifts to the bride, including a wonderful dress weaved
by the Graces (Charites inGreek), daughters of Zeus, and a golden necklace
made by Hephaistus (which would later play a role in the expedition of the Seven
against Thebes, in the time of Adrastus, king
of Argos).
[Herodotus, in his Histories,
V, 57-58, credits Cadmus and his Phoenician companions
with introducing many new techniques in Greece, including the alphabet (and
indeed, the Greek alphabet is derived from the Phoenician alphabet, which is
the first known alphabet, that is, a writing system based on letters
representing elementary sounds rather than ideograms, like the Egyptian hieroglyphs,
or syllables, like the Cretan Linear A and B writing systems that preceeded
it ; this alphabet was invented by the Phoenicians around 1100 B. C. and
introduced in Greece probably around the end of the IXth century B. C. or beginning
of the VIIIth ; the main innovation of the Greeks with respect to writing
was to add letters for vowels to an alphabet which, like today's Hebrew or Arabic
alphabets, included only consonants).
Plato too alludes to the story of Cadmus in several places :
at Menexenus,
245d, he mentions the offspring of Cadmus as not being genuine Greeks ;
at Laws, II,
663e, he mentions the story of "the Sidonian" and the sowing of the teeth
as an example of how easy it is to make people believe a worthy lie, in keeping with
what was said at Republic,
III, 414b, sq about the noble lie, with a reference to the same "Phoenician story" ;
the story of the sowed men fighting each other is behind Plato's reference to "Cadmeian victories"
at Laws, I,
641c to show the ill effects of pride in victory ; then, in the Phædo, Socrates
compares Simmias and Cebes, who are Thebans, to Harmonia and Cadmus respectively, when moving from
the answer to Simmias objection of the soul-harmony to the answer to Cebes' objection
(Phædo, 95a).
Cadmus and Harmonia had several children : Polydorus, a son, and four
daughters, Autonoe, Ino, Agave and Semele. Semele was loved by Zeus and, when
Hera learned that she was pregnant, filled with jealousy, she suggested Semele
to ask Zeus to appear to her in all his glory. Zeus, who had promised her to
do all she would ask, showed himself amidst lightnings and thunderstorms, which
Semele couldn't bear and which caused her death. Zeus immediately removed the
child she was bearing (she was in her sixth month of pregnancy) and sewed him
in his own thigh, until the time of birth came and Dionysus (the "twice-born")
was born in perfect health. Zeus entrusted the baby to Hermes, who gave him
to his mother's sister Ino and her husband Athamas, king of Coronea
(or Orchomenus) in Boeotia,
and brother of Sisyphus, king of Corinth.
But Hera, still jealous, struck Athamas with madness, so that he killed one
of the sons he had had from Ino. Ino herself, rendered mad by this, killed her
other son, Melicertes, by plunging him into a pot of boiling water, and then,
killed herself by jumping into the sea, somewhere between Corinth
and Megara, with the body of her dead son, and thereafter
became a marine goddess under the name Leucothea ("the white goddess"). According
to some traditions, the Isthmian games, that
were celebrated near Corinth, were instituted by Sisyphus
in honor of his nephew Melicertes.
As for Dionysus, he was carried by Zeus away from Greece to be raised
by nymphs of a country variously located in Asia, Ethiopia or Africa, daughters
of Atlas, that later became the stars of the
Hyades. When grown up, he discovered vine and its use, but was struck with madness
by Hera. He wandered through Egypt and Syria before
reaching Phrygia, where the goddess Cybele purified
him and initiated him to her cult. Then, he went to Thracia
where the local king, Lycurgus (not to be confused with the legislator of Sparta)
refused to let him pass through his kingdom and tried to capture him. Dionysus
took refuge in the sea near the Nereid Thetis, and Lycurgus, who had managed
to capture Bacchæ accompanying Dionysus (whose other name is Bacchus),
was struck with madness while the Bacchæ were miraculously freed, and,
with an axe, killed his own son that he had mistaken for a vine. Lycurgus recovered
his reason but his country had become sterile and, following an oracle, his
people had to put him to death to stop the malediction, which they did by having
him torn apart by four horses (this episode inspired a
trilogy to Æschylus, the Lycurgia,
of which only fragments are extant).
From Thracia, Dionysus moved to India, that he conquered, before coming back
to Thebes, the native land of his mother, where Pentheus, the son of his mother's
sister Agave and of Echion, one of the few surviving "sowed
men" born from the teeth of the dragon, was now king. There, he introduced
Bacchanalia, orgiastic festivals in his honor, but Pentheus opposed such dangerous
rites. In retaliation against him and against his mother Agave, who wouldn't
believe that her sister Semele had been loved by Zeus, but claimed she had had
an affair with a mortal and had been punished by Zeus for putting the blame
on him, Dionysus managed to have Agave kill her own son Pentheus during one
of these festivals, mistaking him for a wild beast (this
episode is the theme of Euripides' Bacchæ).
Dionysus then went to Argos, where he similarly struck
with madness the daughters of Proetus and the women of Argolis,
so that they roamed the country pretending to be cows, forcing Proetus to call
upon Melampous to heal them, which cost him part of his kingdom as fee for Melampous'
intervention. Next, Dionysus tried to reach the island of Naxos
with the help of pirates. But when he saw that the pirates were trying to bring
him to Asia to sell him there as a slave, he changed their oars into snakes,
grew ivy in their boats, played invisible flutes and paralyzed their boats in
vine, so that the pirates, become mad, jumped into the sea where they were changed
into dolphins. After that, Dionysus was recognized as a god and could return
to heaven, now that his cult had been established everywhere, but not before
going to Hades free his mother Semele. From heaven, Dionysus came back to Naxos,
where Theseus had just abandonned Ariadne
who had helped him out of the Labyrinth. They fell in love and Dionysus took
her with him to the Olympus and married her.
When Cadmus was old, for unknown reasons, he left Thebes with his wife and went
to Illyria, leaving the throne of Thebes to Pentheus,
the son of his daughter Agave and of Echion, one of the Spartoi (or,
according to other sources, to his own son Polydorus, who was later ousted by
Pentheus). As indicated above, Pentheus was killed
by his own mother when Dionysus came back to Thebes and introduced Bacchic cults
there. From his wife Nycteis, daughter of Nycteus, the son of Chthonius, another
surviving "sowed man", Polydorus had a son named Labdacus.
But he was then too young to rule, so the regency was entrusted to his grandfather
Nycteus who, along with his brother Lycus, had befriended Pentheus. Nycteus
had an incredibly beautiful daughter, named Antiope, who was loved by Zeus under
the guise of a Satyre (Antiope was sometimes said to be the daughter of the
river-god Asopus). Having become pregnant, she fled to Sicyon
for fear of her father, and seeked refuge at the court of Epopeus, the king
of the place. Sadenned by the disappearance of his daughter, Nycteus killed
himself, but, before dying, asked his brother Lycus to avenge him. Lycus attacked
Sicyon, killed Epopeus and took Antiope with him to bring her back to Thebes.
During the trip back, at Eleutheræ, Antiope
gave birth to twins, Amphion and Zethus. Lycus exposed the babies
on a nearby mountain and continued his journey to Thebes with Antiope, whom
he forced to serve his wife Dirce, who was jealous of her beauty, as a slave.
The twins were saved and raised by a shepherd living nearby. As they grew older,
Zethus became fond of violent activities and manual work, wrestling, toiling
the soil, raising cattle, while Amphions, who had received a lyre from Hermes,
dedicated himself to music (at Laws,
III, 677d, Plato has Clinias credit Amphion for the invention of the lyre),
and the two brothers would spend hours comparing the merits of their respective
Meanwhile in Thebes, Labdacus had come of age and he became king of Thebes.
During his reign, Thebes was involved in a border conflict with Pandion, the
king of Athens, leading to a war which the Athenians
won with the help of Tereus, the king of Thracia.
When Labdacus died (some say in the same manner and for the same reason as Pentheus,
that is, in opposing Bacchic cults), his son Laius was too young to succeed
him and the regency was given to Lycus, who still held Antiope in his custody.
But one night, Antiope was miraculously freed of her chains and escaped surrepticiously
to the place where her sons, now adults, lived. Amphion and Zethus, having learned
who she was from the shepherd who had raised them, set to avenge her, went back
to Thebes and killed Lycus and Dirce, the later by tying her behind a bull which
dragged her on rocky slopes Later, Antiope, in reprisal for the murder of Dirce,
was struck with madness by Dionysus and wandered throughout Greece until she
was met by Phocus, the first king of Phocis, who healed
and married her. (the story of Antiope, Amphion and Zethus
inspired Euripides a drama (no longer extant)
called Antiope which Plato quotes in the
Gorgias through the mouth of Callicles in his introductory speech (484e-486d) :
in this speech, Callicles quotes the words of Zethus (485e)
to criticize Socrates, whose devotion to philosophy makes him in his eyes a
like of Amphion, while at the same time giving a brotherly look to his criticism ;
and when, later, Callicles threatens to quit, upset by Socrates' dialectic,
Socrates is all too happy to remind him that he owes him Amphion's answer (506b)).
Having killed Lycus, Amphion and Zethus took over kingship in Thebes, where
they built the walls of the city, Zethus carrying rock on his shoulders while
Amphion would move them simply by playing his lyre. Amphion married Niobe,
the daughter of Tantalus and sister of Pelops
(not to be confused with the daughter of Phoroneus),
and they had seven sons and seven daughters. Niobe was so proud of her children
that she once declared herself superior to Leto, the mother of Apollo and Artemis,
who had only one son and one daughter. Upset at hearing this, the goddess sent
her childs to avenge her : with their bows and arrows, they killed, Artemis
the girls and Apollo the boys and their father. Only one boy and one girl survived.
The surviving girl had become so pale at seeing what had happened to her brothers
and sisters that she was hereafter called Chloris (a word meaning "pale" in
Greek). She later married Neleus, the king of Pylos,
and was the mother of Nestor, the wise old king of the Iliad. In her
grief at the death of her children, Niobe returned to the country of her father,
in Asia Minor, where the gods turned her into a weeping rock (Plato
refers to Niobe's grief at Republic,
II, 380a).
Meanwhile, young Laius, deprived of his kingdom, had fled Thebes and
seeked refuge at the court of Pelops. There,
he fell in love with Chrysippus, a son of Pelops (some say he was thus the first
to get involved in homosexual love) and abducted him. This earned him a curse
on the part of Pelops that is at the root of all the evils that befell his family
hereafter. After the death of Amphion and his children, and of Zethus, Laius
came back to Thebes and recovered his kingdom. Laius
married Jocasta, daughter of Menoeceus, himself a grandson of Pentheus (there
are in fact various traditions on the name and ascendance of Laius' wife ;
this one is the one found in the Greek tragedies). But an oracle told him that,
if he had a son, this son would kill him and bring all sorts of evils on his
progeny. Not listening to the advice, Laius had a son from Jocasta, named Oedipus,
and, to try and escape the oracle, exposed the baby as soon as he was born.
The traditions vary on how Oedipus was saved from death, but they all
agree that he was raised at the court of Polybus, a king of Corinth
(or, according to other traditions, of Sicyon), of
which he firmly believed during all his youth he was the son. Having reached
adulthood, one day, for some reason, either to run after stolen horses, or to
go consult the oracle of Delphi about his true parents
after someone had told him he was a foundling, he left Corinth. In one version
of the story, he went to Delphi, where the oracle told him that he would kill
his father and marry his mother ; so, because he still thought he was Polybus'
son, he decided not to return to Corinth and took the road to Thebes. No matter
what, the fact is that, on his way, somewhere at a crossroad on narrow paths,
he met Laius, not knowing who he was. After Laius' herald had asked him to give
way to the king and had killed one of his horses because he was not fast enough
to move, an angered Oedipus killed both of them. Arriving near Thebes, Oedipus
met the Sphinx, a monster half-woman, half-lion, who used to asked travellers
riddles and devour those unable to solve them, which was the case for all so
far. Oedipus was submitted to the test and had no trouble solving the riddle,
after what he killed the Sphinx. Thankfull for having been rid of the monster,
the Thebans, who had just lost their king (Laius), asked him to marry Laius'
widow and to become their king, which he did.
Yeas later, after Oedipus and Jocasta had had four children, two sons, Eteocles
and Polynices, and two daughters, Antigone and Ismene, the truth started to
unfold. In Sophocles' version (Oedipus
Tyrannus), a plague in Thebes was the occasion. To know the cause of
the plague, Oedipus sent Creon, Jocasta's brother, consult the oracle at Delphi,
and learned that the plague would only cease after the murderer of Laius had
been punished. As the inquiry proceeded, conducted by Oedipus himself who had
cursed the murderer in advance, and despite the silence of Tiresias, the seer
who knew the truth but didn't want to tell it, so horrendous it was, more and
more hints pointed at the inquirer himself, each attempt by Jocasta to disprove
the oracles turning, after investigation, into one more lead toward the truth,
till the arrival of a herald from Corinth announcing
the death of Polybus, who had left his throne to Oedipus. Oedipus was now convinced
that the prophecy about him killing his father would not come true, only to
learn minutes later that he was indeed a foundling and that Polybus was not
his true father. This was the last straw and all the pieces could now fit together
Once the truth had been unveiled, Jocasta hanged herself and Oedipus blinded
himself, before being banished from Thebes. He then began a life of wandering,
accompanied only by his daughter Antigone, and was eventually offered hospitality
by Theseus in Attica.
He died in Colonus, a village near Athens,
and was buried there.
Yet, before leaving Thebes, Oedipus had cursed his sons, Eteocles and
Polynices, predicting that they could never live in peace and would kill
each other, because neither had come to his rescue and helped him avoid banishment.
So, the two brothers decided that, rather than staying together, they would
reign over Thebes in turn, one year each. Eteocles was first and Polynices left
the city. But when, one year later, he came back to take his turn, Eteocles
refused to give way. So Polynices went to Argos to seek
help from Adrastus, one of its kings at the
time. Adrastus and Polynices, who had by then married one of Adrastus' daughters,
drummed up support and assembled an army to march against Thebes led by seven
princes, them included, under the supreme command of Adrastus, to help Polynices
recover his throne. During the battle that took place in front of Thebes, so
the story goes, each one of the seven princes fought in front of one of the
seven gates of the city. Polynices fought at the gate that was guarded by his
brother Eteocles and, during the fight, they killed each other. In fact, the
expedition, known as the expedition of the Seven against Thebes, ended in failure
and all the leading princes on Polynices' side died except Adrastus
(a more detailed account of this expedition is available in the section on Adrastus
of the entry on Argos).
After the death of Oedipus' sons, as Eteocles' son was too young to become king,
Creon, Jocasta's brother, assumed the regency in Thebes (in some traditions,
he had already reigned there after the death of Laius and before Oedipus killed
the Sphinx, and it is him who had promised his throne to whomever would rid
the city of the monster ; it was also sometimes said that, when Oedipus
was recognized as the murderer of his father and had to leave Thebes, he had
taken over kingship while Eteocles and Polynices were too young to be kings).
Creon's first decision after taking power was that Eteocles should receive proper
burial, but that Polynices, who had borne arms against his own city, should
be deprived of burial and left to rot where he had died. Yet Antigone, their
sister, who had come back to Thebes after the death of Oedipus at Colonus,
refused to obey the decree and to let her brother without burial rites, prefering
to honor the gods rather than to obey the law. Despite guards posted by Creon
near Polynices' body to enforce his decree, she managed to lay a handful of
dust on him, which was enough to accomplish the sacred rites required by the
gods. As a result, Creon condemned her to death and had her buried alive in
her family's grave, where she hanged herself. But Creon's son, Hæmon,
who was in love with her, killed himself on her body and, when learning that,
his mother Eurydice, Creon's wife, hanged herself.
[The story of Oedipus and his children was the most famous
legendary cycle of ancient Greece after the Trojan cycle. It inspired Æschylus
a cycle known as the Theban tetralogy, made up of three tragedies :
Laius, Oedipus and The Seven against Thebes, and a satirical
drama : The Sphinx, of which only The
Seven against Thebes is still extant ; it also inspired several
tragedies to Sophocles, of which Oedipus
Tyrannus, Antigone
and Oedipus
at Colonus are still extant, and to Euripides,
including a lost Antigone and the extant Phoenician
Women and Suppliants ;
Oedipus is mentioned only twice in Plato's dialogues,
both times in the Laws : first, at Laws,
VIII, 838b-c, as an example of the role of tragedy to teach us laws against
incest, then at Laws,
XI, 931b-c, as an example of the fact that the gods listen to the prayers
of parents, even when they curse their own children, which should induce us
to worship our parents ; this last instance may be at the root of two mentions
of Oedipus in the Second Alcibiades, at 138b-c
and 140e-141a,
a dialogue that has come down to us under the name of Plato].
Ten years after the first expedition against Thebes, at a time when Laodamas,
the son of Eteocles, had become king after Creon's regency, Adrastus
sponsored a second expedition against Thebes, known as the expedition of the
Epigones, with the sons of the princes killed during the first expedition. Its
purpose was to restore Thersandrus, the son of Polynices and Argia (Adrastus'
daughter), on the throne owed his father. The Epigones, on the faith of an oracle
ensuring them success by so doing, wanted Alcmæon for their leader. Alcmæon
was the son of Amphiaraus, a remote cousin, and brother-in-law, of Adrastus
who was also a seer and had ben forced by his wife Eryphile (Adrastus' sister,
bribed by Polynices who offered her, to ensure her support, the necklace of
Harmonia, stolen by him before fleeing Thebes)
to take part in the first expedition as one of the seven leaders, though he
knew he would die there. Indeed, Amphiaraus, before leaving for the doomed campaign,
had made his sons promise to avenge him and to undertake a second expedition
that, he foresaw, would be successful. But Alcmeon was hard to convince and
only Eryphile, his mother, could decide him, after she had been bribed by Thersandrus,
Polynices' son, as she had been by Polynices in the time of the first expedition
to send Amphiaraus to his death (this time, the bribe was Harmonia's
dress). During the war that ensued, which was waged in the villages around Thebes,
Laodamas killed Ægialeus, the son of Adrastus, but then, Alcmæon
killed Laodamas, and this ensured victory to his party.
After that victory, Thersandrus was installed as king of Thebes. He married
Demonassa, daughter of Amphiaraus and sister of Alcmæon and took part
in the first expedition against Troy at the beginning
of the Trojan War, where he was killed by Telephus, a son of Heracles
and Auge (daughter of Aleus, king of Tegea, a city of
Arcadia) who had settled in Mysia
and was fighting on the Trojan side. His son Tisamenus was too young to lead
the Thebans during the second expedition against Troy and was replaced in that
role by a certain Peneleos, but after having come of age, he reigned over Thebes.
His son Autesion could not succeed him and took the road of exile to end up
in Sparta that was then ruled by the Heraclidæ.
He was the father of Theras, who left Sparta to settle in the island of Calliste,
which took his name to become the island of Thera (Herodotus,
IV, 147-149). In Thebes meanwhile, the offspring of Peneleos took over kingship.
Thebes was also the birthplace of Heracles, at a time when his mother Alcmene and her husband Amphitryon, both grandchildren of Perseus where in exile there at the court of Creon. But, owing to his parents' origin, Heracles always considered that Argos, not Thebes, was his true homeland, and that he was a Peloponnesian and more specifically an Argive. That is where he and his sons after him always tried to return but were prevented to do so so long as Eurystheus was alive. Eurystheus was another grandson of Perseus who had become king of Mycenæ with the help of Hera, jealous of Alcmene after Zeus had seduced her to become the true father of Heracles and he is the one who imposed upon Heracles his twelve labors.
By the third quarter of the VIth century B. C., Thebes had become the head
of the Boeotian Confederacy, an alliance of all Boeotian cities. Thebes and
most of the Boetian cities (with the exception of Platæa
and Thespiæ) played an ambiguous role during
the Persian wars : they submitted to Xerxes,
offering him "earth and water" (Herodotus'
Histories, VII, 131-132) while he was approaching, yet, they were forced
to fight with the Greeks at the battle of Thermopylæ(480)
but switched side during the battle (Histories,
VII, 202, 205,
and 233)
and fought on the side of the Persians at the battle of Platæa
in 479 (Histories,
IX, 31). As a result, the Boeotian Confederacy was dissolved by the winning
allies and Thebes was reduced to a much less prominent life.
It is during that time that the most famous of Thebes'
poets, Pindar, flourished.
When the relations between Athens and Sparta
started deteriorating, Thebes sided with the later and contributed to the defeat
of Athens at the battle of Tanagra
in 457, only to be defeated by Athens
at Oenophita two months later after the Spartans had returned home (see Thucydides,
I, 107-108). About ten years later, Boeotian oligarchs started retaking
control of Boeotian cities despite Athenian support of democratic regimes. Athens
was once again defeated by the Thebans at Coronea
in 447 (see Thucydides,
I, 113) and Thebes took advantage of its victory to reconstruct the Boeotian
Confederacy. It was the failed attempt by Thebes, a few years later, in 431,
in violation of the Thirty Year Peace of 446
between Athens and Sparta,
to recapture the Boeotian city of Platæa, which
had remained a faithful ally of Athens, which marked
the start of the Peloponesian war (see Thucydides,
II, 2, sq). In that war, Thebes sided with Sparta
and brought about the total destruction of Platæa
after a two years' siege (427), defeated Athens
at Delium (424) and
razed the walls of Thespiæ, accused of sympathy
for Athens (423, see
IV, 133) thus getting rid of all opposition in Boeotia.
At the end of the war (404), Thebes had fully
restored its leadership over Boeotian cities and was, along with Corinth,
a leading voice in asking the allies a complete destruction of Athens
(Xenophon's Hellenica,
II, 2, 19), a demand which was rejected by Sparta.
A few years later, Thebes sided with Athens, Corinth,
Argos and other Greek cities in a coalition against
the growing power of Sparta fomented and largely financed
by the Persians of Artaxerxes II, that led
to the so-called Corinthian War of 395-386.
At the end of this war, the "Peace of the King" imposed by the Persians, required
the autonomy of all Greek cities, thus leading once again to the dissolution
of the Boeotian Confederacy that was at the root of Thebes' power.
Yet, Thebes managed to once again reconstruct the Confederacy and, under
the leadership of Gorgidas and, above all, Epaminondas, reached the peak
of its glory. In 371, Epaminondas defeated the
Spartan army at Leuctra, putting in effect an end
to Sparta's hegemony and reputation of invincibility.
For a while, Epaminondas' Thebes took over the role of leading Greek city, freeing
the Messenians from Spartan dominion, intervening
in all parts of Greece, until Epaminondas was killed in 362
at the battle of Mantinea while fighting a coalition
led by Athens and Sparta reconciled
against him.
The death of Epaminondas put an end to Thebes' glory and power. In trying to
restore its influence over its neighbors, Thebes seeked help from Philip II,
king of Macedon, at a time he was a growing menace
for Greece. Eventually persuaded to switch sides by Demosthenes
and to team up with Athens against Philip, Thebes took
part in the battle of Chæronea (338),
where the victory of Philip and is 18 years old son Alexander
over the Greek coalition marked the end of Greek autonomy. Thebes was once more
deprived of its leadership over Boeotian cities and Philip installed a Macedonian
garrison in Thebes. Three years later, in 335,
Thebes tried to rebel against Macedon upon rumors
that Alexander who, one year earlier had
succeeded his assassinated father, had been killed in Thracia.
But Alexander, who was in fact alive and
well, took no time to return to Thebes, quench the rebellion and raze the city,
with the exception of its temples and Pindar's